Sunday, October 24, 2010

Costumes, Costumes!!

Halloween is nearing and I've finished the costumes!! Here's pictures from the debute of the Allen family boys 2010 costumes.....

Ayden as Captin America

Gavin as Peter Pan (costume tutorial found here)

Captin America and Peter Pan are great friends...didn't you know!!


Daryl said...

Monica you did it again. The boys look great, so cute in their costumes. I would love it if you would email me the picture of them together on the bail of hay. That way it will be full size instead of a postage stamp size.
Awesome stuff.

Daryl & Gayelene said...

What great costumes. Wish I could show them off at work on Friday with everyone else. They are so cute

Laura G said...

Oh my goodness, your boys look so much alike. They are so darling. We haven't seen you forever, but I'm glad we can keep track of you through your blog. ; )

Deanna said...

So, so cute!!! How are you??? Seems as if I need to come into the office to visit ya'all. :)

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